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Frequently Needed Information

Legal Name and Organizational Information

Legal Name: Oakland University

2200 N. Squirrel Rd
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
(248) 370-4116 (voice)
(248) 370-2973 (fax)

County: Oakland

Congressional District: MI-011

Institution Type: Public/State controlled institution of higher education

IRS Designation: 170(c)

FDP Clearinghouse profile: Oakland University

Numbers and Codes

EIN: 38-1714400

DUNS: 041808262

Unique Entity ID (UEI): HJTLACN81NK1

Number of Employees: 2,789

NIH Institutional Profile (IPF#): 0746601

NSF Institutional Code: 0023077000

DOD Federal Interagency Committee Education: 002307

Federal Supply Code (CAGE): 5K597

Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC): 8221

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): 611310

Assurances and IDC Rate

Federal Wide Assurance Number (human subjects): FWA 00003480
Expires: 8/31/2028

Animal Welfare Assurance Number: D16-00102

Radiation Safety NRC #: 21-10725-03

Cognizant Audit Agency: Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)
Approved 3/20/18
Arif Karim
(214) 767-3261

Indirect Cost Rate (50% Modified Total Direct Costs):
F&A Rate Agreement